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Posted By Rhino on 12/18/09 - Bookmark SexReviewed

Today I come to you with something truly unique. It was created by my buddy Scott. He has been in this business since 1999. That is like saying he was around for WWI in Internet years.

His creation is called Yes Signals. It is a porn site like no other. Originally when he showed it to me I was like, dude, who did your tour, you? And he was like, yeah… I did…

Now normally this would spell trouble and I would be getting the fuck out. However, like I said, I have known Scott for a long time and the guy has been around since the beginning. Before there was a Coke.com or a Ford.com there was Scott selling porn on the Internet. So I had to give the guy some respect and move around the tour with blinders on. Trust me, the tour is ugly.

So I clicked on the video I am providing for you above. Oh, let me step back a bit. When I first came to the site I was thinking, really? This is your grand master plan? A site that teaches guys when to realize a girl is interested? With this design? You have to be fucking kidding me!

So as I was saying… I clicked on the video above and for the first two minutes or so I was like. Dude… This blows… It is just showing me how women give signals… Boooooriiiiiiiiiiiiing… He said, keep watching… OK, as I half expected, half prayed to God, the porn started. OK. I have seen porn before. No big deal right?

Now you watch the video. To the end. This is how all of his videos end. Crazy situations! I snooped around some more and watched some more free videos. All of them were part learning to be a Pick Up Artist (PUA), part porn (good porn) and part funny as shit (lolz).

It is like rolling up everything that you could ever want in a site into one monster sized burrito. This guy has tons of videos in the members area and plans to add more weekly. If you can see past the bad tour design and get to the exclusive content with a lolz twist, Yes Signals is something you should do at least once in your life!

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