It is a question that is often only answered truthfully when the moment of truth arises. Would you stick your cock into a hot pornstars mouth at the same time as another guy is feeding her his cock? Technically your two cocks with be not only touching, but rubbing up against each other. You can say no, but we all know the answer is yes. In the heat of the moment you would not hesitate to feed Krystal Boyd your dirty, filthy cock even if her mouth as already technically full. has more double penetration videos than anyone else because they focus only on supplying the world with good DP porn. Along the way they end up servicing other niches since the double penetration porn movies usually hit on other subjects like pantyhose, boobs, butts and MILFs.
Don’t spend your time hunting down good DP porn movies when you could be enjoying them for free, served up on a silver platter!
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