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Posted By on 08/01/08 - Bookmark SexReviewed


That is a nice set of pink puffy nipples don’t you think? I found this site called PublicInvasion.com it’s the only website on the net that gives you armature people who love to have sex in public actually getting it on.

I know what your thinking, " This has to be Staged,” well guess what it’s not and these girls are hot and the settings are in public places like the park as you can see in the pic above. This guy goes around till he finds a hot chick who enjoys a good fucking and gets them to do it right there in public.

Many times they have been chased by the police since it is illegal to do something like Public Invasion does. When I first checked out the site, I thought that it would have maybe a hand full of girls on it but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it had well more than 100 girls right on the first page.

Once you become a member of Public Invasion it gives you access to all of them and much much more. For as little as 5 dollars you can start downloading awesome videos of girls having sex in public. I am telling you for a price like that it’s a huge deal, you get the best quality video and all of the content is original with real amateur girls, so don’t waste any more time watching porn that is suppose to be real but you can so tell that its staged and check out PublicInvasion.com.

Blogged Under: Amateur Models,Public Sex,Reality
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