Porn DVD’s suck. They are so last decade, man. Who wants to carry around loads of DVD’s when you can create a porn library in much the same way you would an iTunes library on your computer? I know I would prefer to take my porn with me anywhere and everywhere I go. I am pretty sure you feel the same as I do about this.
Stream porn right to your set top box just like you would with Netflix. In fact, all of the same devices are compatible. Right down to your Android or iOS phone!
The beauty of the FyreTV service is that you can literally take your porn collection with you everywhere you go. I am not going to be modest here. I know you jerk off in strange places just like I do. So when I was over at a friends house the other night and we got drunk and I had to sleep over I used my phone to jerk off into his waste basket while he was passed out in his room. Hey, my nuts are used to getting a release once a day. Minimum!
I have also broken out my phone while at my girlfriend’s house. When she falls asleep and leaves me with a full sack of sperm I break it out and watch some porn in the Vivid catalog. I get to watch these videos from their entire catalog for just $8 a month.
Some of my favorites are Allie Haze’s True Sex and sometimes I switch up the catalog so I can watch the entire Justin Slayer International set of videos. Doing porn this way kicks ass because I can also stream it to my HDTV through my Boxee set top box. How sweet is that?
Start streaming porn online with your mobile phone. It will leave you wondering how you ever used to get along without it!
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