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Posted By Admin on 07/30/17 - Bookmark SexReviewed

A lot of people find history boring. A lot of people fall asleep during history class. They think that any story of somebody who lived a long time ago, who did something in the past, is essentially worthless.

You’re thinking to yourself, I live in the here and now. This is my life now. What the fuck does George Washington have to do with how I have to pay the rent today? What the fuck does Martin Luther in the 1500’s have to do with me getting a job now? I understand where you’re coming from, but if you don’t pay attention to your personal history, you are doomed to repeat it.

Unfortunately, history plays out in such a way that when the first time it comes, it’s a fucking tragedy. Really. You cry, and then you’re pissed off, and you go through all sorts of bullshit. But the next time you see it play out in your life, it comes off as comedy. Seriously.

As the old saying goes, "Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me." In other words, if you see shit coming and you just bend over backwards and allow yourself to get fucked like a two dollar whore, then you really have nobody else to blame except yourself. You saw this happen in the past, but you refused to learn from it. Who the fuck is the idiot now? Do you see how this works?

So if you are struggling with anything in your life, whether it’s getting better jobs, getting promoted, doing a better job, getting along better with people that matter in your life, or in this case, milfs dating, you have to pay attention to patterns.

You have to understand that there are certain patterns that your mind goes through and that you often engage in a certain automatic behavior. Learn from these. Anticipate their effect on the decisions you make. If you’re able to do that, you would make better informed decisions and you might get better results. That’s how simple it is. History is a very important. Learn from the past.

Blogged Under: Adult Dating
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