Older women are just better in the sack. I think all the scientists will even back me up on that. It’s just part of the laws of physics! Ask anyone. So when it comes to porn, why wouldn’t you be spending a ton of time whacking off to mothers-you’d-like-to-fuck? Why wouldn’t you go cougar hunting as often as you could? Why on Earth wouldn’t you have a subscription to 40 Something Mag? You need to get your priorities straight, my friend. It’s for your own good.
Click here to get a 40Something Mag discount for 63% off. It’s so nice not having to choose between amateur hotties and their professional pornstar counterparts. 40Something Mag has them both! Browse over 500 videos and more than 1250 photos of 100% exclusive content. Who knew that being over 40 would suddenly make women hotter than all the other girls? But it’s true. Don’t fight your primal needs any longer. You know you want those seasoned slutty slits in your life, so click that link and spend some quality jerking time with them tonight.
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