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Posted By Admin on 11/10/22 - Bookmark SexReviewed

Humans are creatures of fashion. From ancient times to the present, humans have experienced nakedness relatively to animal skins, furs to cotton and linen, brocade, and all sorts of fashionable means for not only cover our bodies, but also to beautify our appearance.

Sex doll dress up should not be considered a waste of time or money.

First of all, if you buy a super realistic life size TPE sex doll from uxdoll.com, the manufacturer will include a wig. However, if you can change the wig to your liking when you need to change it, this is a great way to enhance the beauty of your blonde sex doll and change its appearance.

Different wigs bring a variety of aesthetic pleasure is beautiful, like curly hair TPE doll, afro hair TPE doll, short hair TPE doll, gray hair TPE doll etc. When you want to buy a wig, you must pay close attention to the shade of the skin so that it will fit the sex doll well and improve its appearance.

Before putting a wig on a TPE doll, you must do a proper cleaning. In addition, depending on the fiber composition, wigs are maintained in different ways. Due to the fiber content and expensive price in human hair, unlike relatively cheap and easy synthetic hair, it needs to be adequately maintained (i.e. cleaned, sanitized and inspected).

Different types of wigs

Wigs are beautiful hairpieces made from human hair, animal hair or synthetic fibers. There are three main types of wigs suitable for sex dolls: forehead lace wigs, 360° front wigs and full head lace wigs.

Forehead lace wig

This particular wig is popular and it is called a frontal lace wig because it gives the illusion that the hair is growing out of the scalp with a natural hairline. It has an almost invisible lace material to which the hair is individually attached.

360° front wig

The 360° front wig is very similar to the front lace wig in that it has all the features of the front lace wig, except that the lace material is added around the entire perimeter of the wig to make it look more like a natural hairline appearance with the illusion of a full scalp, and it also allows the hair to be tied into a ponytail.

Full head lace wigs

Unlike the front lace wig, the full head lace wig has a base made of lace that allows it to fit all heads. It allows you to see your scalp when parted and also allows you to make your hair in different colors and different hairstyles, hence, it is also the most expensive.

Blogged Under: Sex Dolls
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