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Posted By Admin on 07/11/22 - Bookmark SexReviewed

A sex doll is an adult love doll used to simulate female or male behavior. It is a doll that looks and feels real to like a people, and it is sometimes purchased as a model, hand-me-down, movie or TV prop or dress-up doll.

Here we will take a deeper look into the process of making full body size adult sex dolls, thanks to the great assistance of uxdoll online sex doll store for this article, so that we can have a clear understanding of the process of making sex dolls.

Generally speaking, the production of sex dolls is divided into three stages.

First, the basic skeleton and frame of the sex doll is assembled. Then, a polyurethane (PU) material, which is the main body material, is attached to the skeleton and coated with silicone or TPE, and finally, the body is deburred and painted. Of course, there are many details in the production process, so here is a brief description of only a part of the collection, because the process needs to be very fine, so we will not expand on the specific.

Then comes the reduction of excess burrs on the doll skin. It is necessary to use scissors with curved tips to smooth out the uneven surface with the correct technique, while cleaning. Also, silicone or TPE is prone to scratching due to the nature of the material itself. Therefore, this is also a complex process, in simple terms, using scissors to remove burrs.

Next is the hair, generally hair is a wig set, of course there are also implants of real human hair, hair implants are hand sewn. While paying attention to the overall balance, a special needle is used to sew the human hair on the sex doll head one by one. Then give the doll face, lips, eyebrows and eyes very fine makeup, sex dolls are finished by hand finishing, artisans rely on a wealth of experience, according to the buyer’s requirements. So, it usually don’t have exactly the same sex doll.

Finally, the doll is produced and polished by the combination of mold and 3D scanning to create a soft figure and clear facial contours. If you close your eyes and run your hands over the doll’s skin you can’t even tell the difference from a real person. A real feel life like full body size sex doll, when you see the price, you will think it is very expensive. However, if you know that the doll was goes through a variety of fine processes and craftsmanship after a 3-7 working days production cycle, you may think the price is surprisingly reasonable.

Blogged Under: Sex Dolls
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